
Showing posts from 2018

Summer learning Journey

Today the Summer Learning Journey said that if loggers should be allowed or not and we have to give 2 reasons why! This is activity one! I chose both because: if we dont cut wood how are we going to get paper? But if we have loggers it could also force other animals that live in the forest to move to a new home.  For activity 2, we have to write a letter to a friend or a family member about going to tundra . Tundra is a place where it is very cold. But its really cold in the Winter. Dear mum: Yesterday the whole class got to go on a trip to Tundra! Tundra is a very cold place! That's why I packed some warm clothes. When our class arrived there we were shivering already! Some of the students in my class wanted to go back to class and would rather learn! But when we walked 3 minutes later we saw heaps of lovely snowy mountains! The snow was so clear on top of the pointy mountains . When we walked another 3 minutes later we saw a very shiny and clear l...

Summer Learning Journey

  the Summer Learning Journey started on Monday! This is week one and it is about to finish.  Week one is about how Maui created New Zealand with his magical hook. We had to find three fun facts about New Zealand on the  Tourism NZ website 1. The largest city in New Zealand is Auckland although its capital city is Wellington. 2. When in New Zealand, you must drive on the left side of the road. 3. 30% of the country is forest. Reflection: I think it was easy and fun because all we had to do was just look for 3 fun facts! And we also learn a lot .

Summer learning Journey (practise)

This week Meghan came to visit Waikowhai Primary! She gave some some information about the Summer Learning Journey and how it works. She also explained what sort of prizes there are! Last year there was a tablet but this year there is a drone! We are doing a practise activity because some people have not tried the Summer Learning Journey and now they get to see how it works before the Summer Learning Journey actually happens. The practise activity we are doing is countries. We have to choose a country and we then write all the information and facts about the country that we chose.  Here is the different types of countries that we could choose from! Canada (North America), Mexico (Central America), Chile (South America), England (Europe), Germany (Europe), South Africa (Africa), United Arab Emirates (Middle East), Japan (Asia), Malaysia (South-East Asia), and Australia (Australasia). I chose Japan because I saw the pictures on the link and they looked so...

Athletics Day!

 2 weeks the school had Athletics Day! Athletics is a day where all the students wear mufti, and there are heaps of activities for the whole school to do. But we cant just do the roll then start Athletics straight away! We have to line up in our age year and gender! For example im 10 years old and I have to line up with the 10/11 years old girls. Activities that were there on the day was high jump, long jump, fun relays, tennis, and I think there was a 100 meter run and much much more activities! But one sport that was my favourite was the high jump. Last year in high jump I think I came 2nd. And this year I came 4th place because there were heaps of good people in the year sixes. Something that was hard for me was tennis because it was really hard to hit the ball back to the other player ( and there were also some places that you couldn't go past.) Something that was easy for me was the runs. Because I came 1st when I was racing with the other year 6 girls. But when I was i...

Inquiry creation!

In class for inquiry we have been working on something for the bush (which is at our school).  We had to think of a problem that was in our bush. And I chose rubbish because we have a lot of rubbish in our bush. After we did our problem we did a game called crazy eights! It is a game where you get creative and we draw anything to save the bush. Not everybody chose rubbish some people chose birdhouses, stopping predators and more! But not only did we have to do that! We had to divide our page into eight squares then draw!  After that we got creative again, but with heaps of craft stuff. But some people chose tinker-cad, and I was one of the people who chose tinker-cad! Something that was hard for me was putting all the shapes in my box. Because I had to make some shapes small and some big. Something that was easy for me was making the big shapes because I could just place it where I wanted it to be placed because you can see it clearly. What I learned was the word prototy...

My Writing Tumble!

The first day of term the teachers came up with a lot of tumbles for Te Waka Ako to finish by today! There were three tumbles! The reading tumble, maths tumble and the writing tumble. The reading tumble was when you got to choose what book you wanted to read then you had to do a slideshow about the book that you read. The maths tumble was the same thing as the reading tumble but we didn't read a book we just had to do maths work. And the writing tumble was when you did creative writing about a picture that the teachers put in. But I chose the writing tumble. I did not get all the pictures done but I did three and a half pictures. Something that was hard for me was when I looked at the last picture because I wanted to write if they were friends already or if they were enemy but I wrote them being enemies and then friends! Something that was easy for me was the rollercaoster ride one. Because the people looked like they were having heaps of fun but not the dad because he looked reall...

My description

In my writing group (called the Da Vinci) we had to create a story about a superhero! But we had to do heaps of planning before we had to write the actual story. First we had to think about a setting for the story ( the background ). I chose a house and a forest. I can't really remember the rest but I know that we had to draw our superhero on a piece of paper. Something that was hard for me was  thinking about what the problem was going to be, because I had SO many problems that I was going to write for my superhero. Something that was easy for me was thinking about my superhero's personality. Because I really like art and I want my character to really like drawing and doing art just like me! 

Our visit to Waikowhai Intermediate school!

Something exciting happened to Te Waka Ako yesterday... we got an invite from Waikowhai Intermediate to watch their production! It was really nice of them to invite us! But they didn't only invite us to their production. They invited heaps of schools near us! (I also saw my old friend there). At the beginning of the show I was really exited because the title of the production was called "This Is Me". There were all sorts of stuff they did on stage such as dancing, singing, talking and heaps more! My favourite part was when the students on stage were singing. They had really good voices. My other favourite thing there was when I saw all my old friends that used to be at Waikowhai Primary School. Something that was my favourite dance was the hip hop because they did all sorts of cool tricks! 

Literacy tumble

Yesterday Te Waka Ako had an update on our crossover! The teachers gave us a sheet that had the time, day and reading and writing groups. We were already in groups before the update so we had to highlight the group that we were in. If our group was not on today or on the time then we had to do a Literacy Tumble! A Literacy Tumble is when the teachers don't have to see my reading and writing group and work on a slideshow that our teachers made for us. They also made a red, blue and green background. The red background means that we MUST get this work finished by Friday. The blue background means that we SHOULD finish this work by Friday. The last background is green. The green background means that we COULD finish this work. Something that I thought was going to be hard for me was finishing my MUST because I really wanted to do technology instead of finishing my slideshow on Friday. Something that was easy for me was doing my SHOULD because there were heaps of cool stuff that I ...
In Year 6's cyber smart time we got to play a game that will teach you how to be cyber smart and make sure you do the right choices at the right time. When I played the game I needed to think what choices I had to make if this happened in real life. Something that was hard for me was doing the tower of treasure map, because I had to collect all the passwords and other stuff that included cyber smart and also I had to try and dodge the hackers. Something that was easy from me was making the right passwords at the castle. It was the same map but it was really easy at the end because I had to create passwords to save the kingdom and the hackers tried to wreck my passwords. We then had to make a DLO about it interland!  

Technology work

For the past few weeks we have been in different spaces for technology. Manukau have been in the blue space and the green space while Hauraki and Waitemata have been in the yellow space, blue space and the green space. Why we are doing this is because we have been learning about technology. Manukau (yellow space) is doing electrical circuits, What we had to do in the electrical circuits is making the hardest creations of making a light turn on and off just like a light bulb. Mr Riceman wanted us to be challenged by this. In the green space (Waitemata) had a challenge and it was called a marble challenge. What we had to do for the marble challenge was we had to build a bridge or something to keep the marble away from the table. ( we had to do this in groups of three ) But it could not be lower then the table. I think I failed the marble challenge. And last but not least the blue space! (Hoaraki) This was my favourite technology project of them all! We had to make a geoboar...

Cyber smart blog comment

last term in cyber smart, the year sixes made a blog comment, but we had to pair up with  buddies and go on to each other's blog and to the latest one they have posted. Then after that we had to go on the cyber smart page in the senior syndicate site. We had to SMRF a document of rubrics on comment. Then we had to copy and paste our posted comment on a small box, then on the big box we had to copy and paste the same comment on the other box. And the whole point of posting the comment on two of the boxes is that the bigger box was about making changes to the blog comment. I had to switch around a coma and a full stop to make it make sense. And I also made a link to my address so my viewers can just click on the link when they see my comment. And I also made one last change to my comment. I also made one last change and that change was adding a question! 

Making a necklace

Some Te Waka Ako kids got to go in the yellow space ( Manukau ) to make a necklace! I don't think there was an easy part when we were making the necklaces because we had to make the necklaces out of green clay! The clay was very hard to push down and I had to wait 5-10 minutes for it to warm up and go soft. I was looking for something simple to make because it was so hard. Then I made a cross because it is simple and it is something about me! Another student helped me out with some of it. After we made the cross, we had to use a toothpick to make a little hole so the string can fit in and by tomorrow we can wear them!

My fish art

This term Manukau have been working hard on some art for our art show! We have been working on making some paper fish, It took weeks to finish this because we had to do many things. The art had to include balloons, paint, cardboard, scissors, crayons and a hot glue gun! Something that was hard for me was making the background for the fish, I had to blend in some colours for the sea my finger started to hurt. Something that was rather easy was  painting the fish because I liked adding detail and it was not as tiring as the the blending in. Here is a slideshow about making the fish!

Email uses.

In Cyber smart, the year 6's got to have a argument about wither schools can have E-mails or not. I chose Emails for many reasons, My favourite reason is that people from schools can have fun with Emails like chat with them! Some year 6's even chose both because they are good and bad for them. Something hard for me was thinking about what reasons I should put in the google drawing because there is such little space in the drawing. Something that was easy was choosing either having Emails or no Emails, Emails can be helpful and fun to use in school.  

The zoo trip.

Yesterday Te Waka Ako got to have a trip to the zoo! It was so fun my group got to visit heaps of cool animals! Even in the middle of the day we got to see the joey's get fed by a zoo keeper and they had to have nutrition milk like a special kind of milk.  After we looked around for some animals we went to this building that said bug lab, I was very exited to go in it but the owner of the bug lab told us to make up a name but it had to be an insect. Our group finally decided what our insects name could be and the name was called cockroaches, And then the owner said that our adult was the queen cockroach. Finally Te Waka Ako got to go in the building and as we went in, There were hundreds of games in there. After the end of the day I was so tired I almost fell asleep on the bus ( the bus was a double Decker bus) For us it is important for us to go to the zoo because this term we have been learning about animals and that why we went to look at Tiritiri Matangi so we could learn more ...

Tiritiri Matangi trip!

 The week before Last week The whole of Te Waka Ako got to have a trip to Tiritiri Matgani! I was really tired after it because we had to be at school at 7.30AM. At Tiritiri Matangi we had to learn about birds that are nearly endangered! There were heaps of interesting birds I did not know about. I learnt that there were only one predator in Tiritiri matangi and it was a mouse. Mice are predators in Tirtiri because they can eat all of the birds lucky the mouse was not female otherwise it could make babies. My favourite bird was a saddle back because on the back of it, It looked like it had a saddle on it! Something that was very unusual was that I did not know that birds could get drunk! Here is the address to the website!  Something that     was a challenge for me was the scavenger hunt it was really hard to find the bird puppets!

Des Hunt Visit's Waikowhai

Hello fellow bloggers! Today Waikowhai Primary had a special visitor that came in the morning, It was a very popular Author called Des Hunt! He writes all sorts of books for children that are aged up to 9-12 years old. He came here because he wanted to tell us all about his backstory and why he became a Author/illustrator.           Also at the end of the show we got to buy some of his books at morning-tea! He even talked about chemistry and what sort of jobs he did.         Right at the end we got to ask some questions as well before morning-tea. My favourite part was when he made a explosion all the way to the bench,         But I really like the huge explosion he created because it was bigger and it looked      like it could shoot better, then it shot all the way to another student!       I think it was the most important because when there are heaps of flies you can just put heap...

The Anzac Diary

Hello fellow bloggers Last term Manukau has been doing something that included Anzac day, Our teacher created a little google doc and he made some photos that had a tongue, ear, heart and much more! Then I made another google doc and copied a pasted the work and I put it in the other doc that I created. what was hard for me is that I hated writing all the paragraphs on each sentence. What was easy for me is that I could decorate it and change the font and colour to make look like a diary.


Hello Fellow Bloggers This week have been learning information, reading books and discussing Anzac Day. Our class did a bit of writing and our teacher called Mr Ross put some army music on like gun shooting bombs and rain. I hid under the table because we could sit anywhere we wanted but we had to write. Hauraki got to put crosses outside of Te Waka Ako and in the staff room where the teachers. We have also been doing a slideshow about Anzac Day and we had to read heaps of stories about it. Anzac Day is about where you celebrate all the soldiers that signed up in the war, and sadly lost there lives. 

Who Am I???

Hello Fellow Bloggers Yesterday Manukau had some cool stuff to do for writing. It was called Who Am I , It was really fun because we got to make our own superhero with a fun app called Build Your Wild Self or draw it on your language book. I chose build your wild self because you can put any sorts of stuff on him/her, for example if I put elephant ears on there ear it would look like they have elephant ears but they actually do! It was really hard because I did not really know what to put on my character. And something super easy was making up where it came from and stuff like that. What I should do next time is making the text a little bigger so you can see it. 

Animal kingdom

Hello fellow bloggers We have been working on a slideshow that is about animals. The whole syndicate got to do a play about animals and share some facts. It was really interesting because some people told facts about animals that I did not know about and I could tell my mum all about animals. It was hard that I had to find heaps of pictures so it can stand out and make my slideshow more interesting. It was really easy how I could write about the animals because I knew all the facts that I learnt whiles we were doing the plays. Something that I could do next time is make the text easy to see and make the background a little bit plainer.  Here is my slideshow!

The amazing race

Hello fellow bloggers Last week Te Waka Ako got to do something fun at the start of the day! We got to do a little race that was called... The Amazing Race! What we had to do was we had a piece of paper and it was a clue, a clue to something that was around the school. We had to guess what the clue meant and write down the word on the piece of paper. We got into some groups and the first group that got all the letters had to do a sentence with the words and made sure it make sense, Then the first group to finish all of that wins! We didn't win but we tried as hard as we could to look around the whole school for the letters. It was really hard for me because I had to run around and it made me tired, What was easy for me was reading the text to see where the letter was because it was really interesting of where the teachers hid all the letters. What I should work on next time is always run because I walked halfway of the race and our team should be a bit faster. 


Hello fellow bloggers In my maths group we were doing something that was called order a set of fractions, it was really fun! I learnt to order fractions from biggest to smallest in colours, I don't really know how to do that but I learnt it because it gave me an example of one! I thought about making it not confusing because I want this piece of work to help people get used to fractions and know what ordering fractions from biggest to smallest in colours meant. Something that was easy for me was that I could just shade in the circles. That was really difficult as I had to keep on making the circles and keep on making them and write the fractions set and it took to long, so I got bored. 

Easter holidays what I learnt

Hello fellow blogger On the Easter holidays I went to my cousin's house and went for an Easter egg hunt. We played a lot of games and in the last round we had a Easter egg hunt. I learned that I could not eat chocolate in the morning because I will get a sore tummy and I did not even have breakfast so I just ate chocolate and I did not really feel like standing up. Something else that I learnt was getting in the team that I did not want to go in, because I really liked the team that had the best people but my family put me in the other team, they kept on loosing my team so they needed more help from players. The third thing I definitely learnt was playing on the iPad for to long because my eyes get sore and I can not really stand up still.

If the ocean had a voice

HELLO FELLOW BLOGGERS We are doing summarising about a story called if the ocean had a voice!  The main points of the story is what would the ocean say if it had a voice. We are learning to make a DLO ( Digital Learning Object) about what would the ocean say if it had a voice. So we could create anything to make it, We also had to include Canoes in the DLO even fishes. What I would do next time is make the ocean talk a little bit  more in the story. Something that is easy was that I could find Canoes and fishes to be in the story and make them talk with the speech bubbles. Here is my animation about the canoes and fishes!

Describing the setting

 This week we are working on using descriptive language by sharing our writing straight onto our blog. The challenge we have is to describe a place using only six sentences. After reading the description you need to guess the place that has been described. It would really help if you say what clues could help you come to this conclusion. Tall standing building tallest tower Sometimes glows at night shining different colours every second! near buildings that are very busy and also at the city been there for a long long time and has never fallen up in the clouds all pointy and still you can go inside it and have the most amazing view!

all about me!

HELLO FELLOW BLOGGERS Welcome back! Last week or way before that we created a doc that was an all about me page. We had to describe ourselves, like what we like,we are good at and what food is our favourite. Something that was hard for me was searching up all the photos I wanted to use. What was easy for me was describing myself because I alreday know myself. I learnt something about other people because when I started reading about other people and my friends all about me doc I was suprized that they did a bunch of stuff that I did not know about! Here is the all about me photo enjoy reading it!