
Showing posts from April, 2018

Who Am I???

Hello Fellow Bloggers Yesterday Manukau had some cool stuff to do for writing. It was called Who Am I , It was really fun because we got to make our own superhero with a fun app called Build Your Wild Self or draw it on your language book. I chose build your wild self because you can put any sorts of stuff on him/her, for example if I put elephant ears on there ear it would look like they have elephant ears but they actually do! It was really hard because I did not really know what to put on my character. And something super easy was making up where it came from and stuff like that. What I should do next time is making the text a little bigger so you can see it. 

Animal kingdom

Hello fellow bloggers We have been working on a slideshow that is about animals. The whole syndicate got to do a play about animals and share some facts. It was really interesting because some people told facts about animals that I did not know about and I could tell my mum all about animals. It was hard that I had to find heaps of pictures so it can stand out and make my slideshow more interesting. It was really easy how I could write about the animals because I knew all the facts that I learnt whiles we were doing the plays. Something that I could do next time is make the text easy to see and make the background a little bit plainer.  Here is my slideshow!

The amazing race

Hello fellow bloggers Last week Te Waka Ako got to do something fun at the start of the day! We got to do a little race that was called... The Amazing Race! What we had to do was we had a piece of paper and it was a clue, a clue to something that was around the school. We had to guess what the clue meant and write down the word on the piece of paper. We got into some groups and the first group that got all the letters had to do a sentence with the words and made sure it make sense, Then the first group to finish all of that wins! We didn't win but we tried as hard as we could to look around the whole school for the letters. It was really hard for me because I had to run around and it made me tired, What was easy for me was reading the text to see where the letter was because it was really interesting of where the teachers hid all the letters. What I should work on next time is always run because I walked halfway of the race and our team should be a bit faster. 


Hello fellow bloggers In my maths group we were doing something that was called order a set of fractions, it was really fun! I learnt to order fractions from biggest to smallest in colours, I don't really know how to do that but I learnt it because it gave me an example of one! I thought about making it not confusing because I want this piece of work to help people get used to fractions and know what ordering fractions from biggest to smallest in colours meant. Something that was easy for me was that I could just shade in the circles. That was really difficult as I had to keep on making the circles and keep on making them and write the fractions set and it took to long, so I got bored. 

Easter holidays what I learnt

Hello fellow blogger On the Easter holidays I went to my cousin's house and went for an Easter egg hunt. We played a lot of games and in the last round we had a Easter egg hunt. I learned that I could not eat chocolate in the morning because I will get a sore tummy and I did not even have breakfast so I just ate chocolate and I did not really feel like standing up. Something else that I learnt was getting in the team that I did not want to go in, because I really liked the team that had the best people but my family put me in the other team, they kept on loosing my team so they needed more help from players. The third thing I definitely learnt was playing on the iPad for to long because my eyes get sore and I can not really stand up still.