
Showing posts from May, 2018

Des Hunt Visit's Waikowhai

Hello fellow bloggers! Today Waikowhai Primary had a special visitor that came in the morning, It was a very popular Author called Des Hunt! He writes all sorts of books for children that are aged up to 9-12 years old. He came here because he wanted to tell us all about his backstory and why he became a Author/illustrator.           Also at the end of the show we got to buy some of his books at morning-tea! He even talked about chemistry and what sort of jobs he did.         Right at the end we got to ask some questions as well before morning-tea. My favourite part was when he made a explosion all the way to the bench,         But I really like the huge explosion he created because it was bigger and it looked      like it could shoot better, then it shot all the way to another student!       I think it was the most important because when there are heaps of flies you can just put heap...

The Anzac Diary

Hello fellow bloggers Last term Manukau has been doing something that included Anzac day, Our teacher created a little google doc and he made some photos that had a tongue, ear, heart and much more! Then I made another google doc and copied a pasted the work and I put it in the other doc that I created. what was hard for me is that I hated writing all the paragraphs on each sentence. What was easy for me is that I could decorate it and change the font and colour to make look like a diary.


Hello Fellow Bloggers This week have been learning information, reading books and discussing Anzac Day. Our class did a bit of writing and our teacher called Mr Ross put some army music on like gun shooting bombs and rain. I hid under the table because we could sit anywhere we wanted but we had to write. Hauraki got to put crosses outside of Te Waka Ako and in the staff room where the teachers. We have also been doing a slideshow about Anzac Day and we had to read heaps of stories about it. Anzac Day is about where you celebrate all the soldiers that signed up in the war, and sadly lost there lives.