Literacy tumble
Yesterday Te Waka Ako had an update on our crossover! The teachers gave us a sheet that had the time, day and reading and writing groups. We were already in groups before the update so we had to highlight the group that we were in. If our group was not on today or on the time then we had to do a Literacy Tumble! A Literacy Tumble is when the teachers don't have to see my reading and writing group and work on a slideshow that our teachers made for us. They also made a red, blue and green background. The red background means that we MUST get this work finished by Friday. The blue background means that we SHOULD finish this work by Friday. The last background is green. The green background means that we COULD finish this work. Something that I thought was going to be hard for me was finishing my MUST because I really wanted to do technology instead of finishing my slideshow on Friday. Something that was easy for me was doing my SHOULD because there were heaps of cool stuff that I ...