
Showing posts from September, 2018

My description

In my writing group (called the Da Vinci) we had to create a story about a superhero! But we had to do heaps of planning before we had to write the actual story. First we had to think about a setting for the story ( the background ). I chose a house and a forest. I can't really remember the rest but I know that we had to draw our superhero on a piece of paper. Something that was hard for me was  thinking about what the problem was going to be, because I had SO many problems that I was going to write for my superhero. Something that was easy for me was thinking about my superhero's personality. Because I really like art and I want my character to really like drawing and doing art just like me! 

Our visit to Waikowhai Intermediate school!

Something exciting happened to Te Waka Ako yesterday... we got an invite from Waikowhai Intermediate to watch their production! It was really nice of them to invite us! But they didn't only invite us to their production. They invited heaps of schools near us! (I also saw my old friend there). At the beginning of the show I was really exited because the title of the production was called "This Is Me". There were all sorts of stuff they did on stage such as dancing, singing, talking and heaps more! My favourite part was when the students on stage were singing. They had really good voices. My other favourite thing there was when I saw all my old friends that used to be at Waikowhai Primary School. Something that was my favourite dance was the hip hop because they did all sorts of cool tricks!