Last week and this week Te Waka Ako has been finishing the book review from the slideshow, what I read was Super Finn it was interesting. I am going to show you the whole slideshow of the book review, what we had to do was we had to make a build your wild self, title page, narrative structer, plot or a story line, favourite moment, opinion, tinker cad, questioning and a glossary! What I found hard was making the build your wild-self because there were lots of parts that I really needed but was not there ( it was mostly the clothes ) And what I found easy was making the six thinking hats it was really fun! what I also found out was looking at some new words I never thought existed they were also really long and interesting words, What I should work on next time is making the story line a little bit more shorter but it was really fun to.

here is a slideshow of my book review



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